Are you interested in building a powerful family tree but not ready to invest in any software or subscriptions? is an amazing free resource often overlooked next to giants like It is a non-profit organization with a mission to preserve important family records and make them freely accessibly online. They go all over the world to scan documents from even the tiniest village churches, and connect researchers working on the same family lines. I will help you understand how to use the different parts of the site, how to add your personal branch to their enormous collaborative tree, how to find and save records, how to use non-indexed resources, and how to take advantage of their powerful wiki instructional pages. Sign up now to make use of this remarkable resource. Too many people think they have to spend hundreds of dollars to piece together their heritage, and they end up doing nothing. With FamilySearch, you can stand on the shoulders of researchers before you, enjoying the fruits of their labor and contributing your own as we all work on “a family tree for the human family”.